Wednesday, October 29, 2008 be 15, again

i was instantly brought back to my teenage years, shooting lola's quinceañera last sat. 

being 15, although j. would probably argue, wasn't that long ago, for me. when i was a teenager, i was considered a "geek." nowadays, the term "geek" means someone who is a know-it-all about one particular thing, like "computer geek" or "star trek geek." but back in the days, "geek" meant what i guess "dork" means today. a part of me is still that geeky kid. i still sing loudly, with the windows down. i still love Hello Kitty. i still am in love with Johnny Depp. i still like to dance in the aisles of Rite Aid or Walgreens to the "soft hits" played over the loudspeaker late at night (j. hates when i do that. but i know that he secretly loves it...).

so, i totally "got" what lola was going through all day at her quince.  the fussing, the running around, the shying away from my camera (although i hope she got used to me shooting every step she made!), being uncomfortable in a dress and heels, the tears, the laughter with friends, cousins, family, and being surrounded by the craziness and loveliness of...being in a big family. j. mentioned that it reminded him of our wedding. imagine that....but she definitely handled herself like a young lady (unlike myself, being that age). very cool teenager.

lola is loved by 7 brothers and 2 sisters. she's the baby. we could tell this affair was coordinated, put together, and executed with love and affection. and her mother was so hospitable and sweet. she asked if we ate, or wanted any refreshments. we felt right at home!

above is a sneak peek to what's to come. still editing through some pix. stay tuned for the slideshow!

thank you Ravelo family, for your hospitality, kindness, laughter, and....fajitas!


Anonymous said...

Nice blog.
Beautiful pictures.
I love wedding party.

Please visit:

Keep blogging.
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Awwww... I'm so glad that you were there to shoot this very special rite of passage for my little sister in law! We all love her so much and are so proud of the woman she is becoming. I'm glad you were able to capture the moment! Thanks Gwen and Johnny!

g. girl said...

Thanks for the comment, Rena! We had a great time shooting it! The pix are up right now!