Friday, October 31, 2008 your

hello everyone.

this week has to be the most emotional rollercoaster of a week i've had in years. i just heard of 2 deaths in the last 6 hours. one of my clients' (whom we consider a new friend) father passed. and i just heard 20 minutes ago, that my uncle passed away. may they both rest in peace. i believe they are in a better, happier place. 

as some of you know, i also teach elementary school. and this week, alone, we had a threat at our school (i won't go into too much details, to protect the identities of children and teachers) and a teacher of ours got sent to the emergency room, possibly due to stress. 

it's a cliché. but one that is true. life is short. love one another. tell them you love them now. 

i remember my uncle, more so early memories, of a younger man. a quiet, soft spoken one. i didn't see him for many years, but was oh so happy that he attended our wedding last year. it was a joy to my dad, and to the rest of our clan, to be altogether. to be enjoying each other. to be in the moment of what it means to be a "family." to be a family, doesn't mean Brady Bunch-happy-all-the-time-we're-getting-along type. to me, a family is something real. it's the ups, the downs, the heartaches, the laughter, the celebrations, the commemoration, the feuds, and the apologies. sometimes, apologies...unsaid. we get together because we were destined to be connected. even though it might not make sense. but it does, to US.

i'm not just saying this as a photographer. take photographs of the ones you love. the ones that we take for granted. at every event. at every celebration. at every get together. even if it's a funeral. document your life and loved ones, when they are still here. these photographs---you cannot put a price on them when they're gone. priceless.

love one another. even if you are mad at them. or might not have the heart to forgive/or apologize. let them know you still acknowledge them. we are not alone in this life. we are all connected. 

love to all.

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