Monday, July 21, 2008


summer always reminds me of going to the park, bbqs, plate lunches, kids playing and running around in slippers, uncles jamming music, and aunties "talking story." going to the annual Alondra Park Ho'olaule'a reminds me of just that.  johnny and i just came back from the event, and even though it was hot, we had a great time, just being there. there is live music and entertainment from different hula studios, or halaus, and plenty of food and booths to visit. going to the different booths reminds us of going to the Aloha Stadium swap meet in Oahu, Hawai'i, perusing through the aloha gear and crafts that remind you of "back home." my dad was born and raised in Oahu, one of the islands of Hawai'i. even though i am filipino, my brothers and i were raised with 2 traditions, filipino and hawaiian influences. so hawai'i, because it holds great significant to my childhood and culture, is considered, "back home," to me. 

we visited the Sassy Sister Crafts booth. cutest craftiest gifts! they were so kind to custom design a basket o' goodies for a client of ours. check out their blog! they're so creative and if you want to experience the "spirit of aloha," they definitely bring that spirit to their business and the customer.

another great find was the Little Dragon Girls booth. i love the concept. it's my latest rave! the concept of the clothing line is to promote confidence and pride in one's self, one's culture: the belief that there's a "little dragon" in all girls. that's a great message to give to all little and young girls. tapping into our "dragon" or that fiery side inside of all of us, BEING and LOVING your SELF, leads to bigger, better, brighter opportunities, success, as well as happiness and joy. check out their site. i guarantee you'll love the designs for that "little dragon" girl in your life! below are a sample of some of the cute clothing they have!

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