Wednesday, July 30, 2008

it's my birthday! i'm 36 yrs. YOUNG!

this is the cake my loving hubby had made for me for my birthday! let me tell you the background to this story.

i have been hearing about this cake for DAYS. i have never seen this man get so excited about a cake before. this cake has been the anticipation of the week. he's been sneaking out of the house for 2 days, secret phone call conversations, EVEN the neighbors were invited to just VIEW the cake (not eat, VIEW) the night before my birthday. i was instructed not to peek, and look at the cake until my birthday.

so of course, this morning, i was excited to see my surprise. and i love it. it's beautiful. it has purple in it (which always reminds me of my youth....i was a purple-a-aholic....hey! it was the 80's). and i love it because it says...."darling wife." he's learning, folks....

but seriously, i love my cake. and johnny says we owe it all to Christine's Creations. thank you for my wonderful chocolate, white fondant cake! she does custom orders, so if you need a custom cake for that special "darling," let me know. i'll pass on her info to you! 

thank you,  johnny, for my wonderful cake surprise!

1 comment:

Sassy Sisters said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, G! FROM THE SASSY SISTERS! We just celebrated our 40th Birthday on Saturday! Have a great day!