Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

to everyone that has supported us, to everyone that we had the pleasure of meeting and offering our services, to everyone we love and care about....we wish you and your families a happy thanksgiving. let us be grateful for the people in our lives today, and to the loved ones who have passed on and are looking upon us now. (special blessing to auntie pake*god bless your soul* i will always remember your kindness. rest in peace.)

check out my latest family portrait! you can view the slideshow in its own window, just click here!


DfW~makeup by Danielle f Wells said...

Hi Guen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love the family portrait!!

I was about to call and make an appt for my family and thank goodness I looked at your blog.

Are you guys up to shooting Arlan, Akiah, and I for our family xmas pic??

I'm up and running, check out www.dfwmakeup.blogspot.com


DfW~makeup in the making!!!!!

g. girl said...

Hi Danielle,
Congrats on your site, and your new blog! I'll be checking in!!

Yeah, we'll be happy to do a family portrait for you!! Let us know. We'll see you soon!
