that phrase keeps ringing in my ear! that was from one of the toasts that were said that night at teresa and james' wedding. i couldn't help but to think of my own wedding, when the toaster read 1st corinthians, "love is patient, love is kind.." one of the readings from our wedding. i always get choked up when i hear it because the words speak to me so deeply, it humbles me and puts me in my place. and i think about my relationship w/ j., and how i've learned what love is through my experience with him. love is not in the perfection of being, not in how perfect we should be or being the "perfect couple," but in the product of who we both become when we are together. even though i feel that what that reading asks of us is a tall order, it is something attainable, and something to strive for.
teresa and james got married on a beautiful sat. afternoon, with lots of love in the room. people that have been in their lives from grade school and crossing over states to be with them, and testify to their love. the officiants were james's father, and one of his boyhood friends. i love when the officiants know the couple personally. they always seem to add a little extra special to the wedding. another nice touch was james's sister and friends who played live music during the ceremony. i get chills from hearing the soulful singing, the suggestion of a saxophone, and the comfort of a good piano accompaniment. i know, i'm a sucker for sentiment.
another thing i will remember about teresa and james's wedding was how quickly that dance floor filled up. i couldn't help but to keep snapping away, as guests, from young and old, got down and tore that floor up! okay, one more thing i will remember were the dances. the first dance to maxwell (one of my all time faves), the father-daughter dance (very touching), and the mother-son groove, i mean dance.
check out just some of my favorite pix from their wedding. if you want to see more, check out their
slideshow here! (or copy and paste: www.gjspillerphotography/HarrisShow)
thanks, teresa and james, for making our job enjoyable and with lots of fun and laughter! best wishes to you!
Church: First Christian Church in Downey
*Great coordinators! Professional and helpful to making the ceremony run smoothly and beautifully!
Embassy Suites, Downey, California
*Nice courtyard/atrium in the center of the hotel. Cool fountain! Took great formals and portraits in front of it ! Check out the
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