Saturday, May 24, 2008


kukui nuts2, originally uploaded by Master Foto G.

i sooooo want to go on vacation. our favorite spot is kaua'i. i could go there every year. it is truly a sanctuary for us. it's been 2 years since we visited. we went there for the first time, for my birthday. the best vacation ever. i took the best pictures there! and that was with my point and shoot.

these necklaces, made from kukui nuts, always remind us of our time there.

hopefully for our 2 year anniversary we can take a trip there. i'm ready to take more pictures with my underwater camera (oooo, i have to show you some of my best shots from our honeymoon, that i took from that trip...i love those pics) AND my new camera (hmmmm...not sure if i want sand on my new D200).

hopefully we can still go on vacation with this recession. i'm counting on it.

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