he's such a good dog. never complains. get the occasional "talk back" (yes he talks...sort of). and he loves me unconditionally. and he sleeps in between j. and i. i know...intimacy killer, huh? sometimes, i'll find j. sleeping on the floor in the other room, because popo, will somehow scooch one of us to the corner of our queen size bed.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
the cutest dog ever
photos by
g. girl
9:26 AM
Labels: dog photos, life with PO
Friday, August 29, 2008
i'm so excited these past few days. i can't sleep. johnny says it's because i'm obsessed. obsessed with the web. email. the computer. but i say...i'm "passionate" about my art. i get so juiced up and inspired when i read about photography or listen to photographers speak about their craft and their business. it's truly inspiring. and since getting into this business, i've been opened up to a whole new world. it's kind of like an underground or underworld of sorts, that the common person would never know existed. there's a whole other world, a whole other celebrity, in this industry. it's fascinating. i just can't get enough.
photos by
g. girl
2:31 AM
Labels: inspiration
thank you for the kind thoughts
thank you everyone for giving us much support, love, and positivity, on our road to....wherever God leads us. we feel blessed and feel the love through your emails, thoughts and words. we are taking one day at a time to first and foremost (and everyone should, too) take care of our health. if we are meant to be blessed with a healthy baby(s), it will happen in due time, when we're ready. when God feels we're ready.
photos by
g. girl
2:29 AM
Labels: trying to conceive chronicles
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
what better way to celebrate the end of summer!
photos by
g. girl
12:09 AM
Labels: fundraisers, just for fun
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
thank you, Starr Design
thank you, jessica, for working with me and creating my new banner for my website. it is modern, simple, clean lines, with a touch of femininity, and incorporated our logo and colors.
photos by
g. girl
2:48 PM
Labels: Vendors
Sunday, August 17, 2008
living with diabetes
in our journey to have our "miracle baby," doc tells me that i have diabetes. the funny thing was that he thought i already knew i had it. he tells me that diet, exercise, and medication will lower my blood sugar, so i don't worry. when i put my mind on something, i stick to it. so getting over the initial shock, i pull myself up by the boot straps, and move forward and make an appointment with a regular doctor to be treated for diabetes.
photos by
g. girl
12:13 AM
Friday, August 15, 2008
introducing the newest member of my family...
here she is, just 2 days old!! JAYLYN.if you haven't seen her slideshow (with cameos of her older cousins), click here!
photos by
g. girl
3:02 AM
Labels: in home, newborn portraits, personal news
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
saturday in the park
check out their slideshow!
parks always remind me of happy memories in my childhood, when my parents used to take us to the park. i remember running to the swings (my personal fave) and swinging as high as i could, closest thing to feeling like you could fly, as a child. the slides, are a close 2nd--riding 2 by 2, making a mini train down to the bottom of the slide. i remember my dad taking out the ball and bat and playing baseball, and the infamous race to the farthest tree and back. my mom reading her book, laying down on a plastic mat, trying to get relief, from us, apparently.
last sat., was reminiscent of such a time. we spent the morning with mira and eddie, and their beautiful children. mira and eddie are so down-to-earth and such good sports, even taking pictures in the hot sun! joey, their son, was ready to take pictures, and not shy at all. katie was so precious and had the brightest smile. we had a great day at the park, capturing a family day, at its best, with blue skies, ducks, and of course, swings!!
i think it's so important to have these family days with your children. i think back, and feel fortunate that i have memories to last me a lifetime, and hopefully, create those memories for my children, one day.
thank you, mira, eddie, joey, and katie, for a great day!
Check out their slideshow!!
photos by
g. girl
11:29 AM
Labels: family portrait, park, slideshows
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
another TTC update
well, went to the follow up consultation with the fertility dr., whom which, i'm starting to grow an "admiration" for, (i don't know why...he's very blunt, honest, straight forward, and doesn't sugar coat anything), and we had some good news and some...not great news.
i always start w/ the "not so great" news, first. i tested diabetic. my glucose reading was at 173 and my hemoglobin is 9 (normal ranges, respectively are 80-120, 5-7). so i have to be treated for diabetes before he treats me for fertility. reason is there is higher risk and chance of the baby(ies) having birth defects.
the good news is that all my other tests, (well, blood pressure is questionable, it's been recording as high) were good. the ultrasound, the xrays, and the other blood work. johnny, too. i'm kinda happy about that.
i know i can manage my diabetes. i'm not too worried about it. i know i can bring it down. i have to go back to meet w/ a diabetic specialist to prescribe meds. once my blood sugar and hemoglobin go down to at least 127, and less than 7 (hemoglobin), the doctor will see us again and prescribe treatment(s).
i told j. that i noticed my blood pressure and sugar levels have gone up since i got married. hmmm...he thinks it's not a correlation at all.
so i'm hoping in about 4 months we'll be able to go back to my fertility dr. and be ready to "do this." (holding my breath).
photos by
g. girl
11:08 AM
Labels: trying to conceive chronicles
my new cousin!
my new cousin was born on a lucky day, 08-08-08. she is truly the miracle baby that we all prayed for.
photos by
g. girl
10:34 AM
Labels: just for fun, kid portraits, newborn portraits, slideshows
talani's slideshow
i am so jazzed about this new slideshow program i have! so i made one for several shoots. here's talani's!! you'll see how many happy expressions this child has. just at 7 months. 4 months ago, he was a newborn, with 2 expressions!
photos by
g. girl
10:25 AM
Labels: kid portraits, slideshows
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Bernie Mac: 1957-2008
i remember watching "Kings of Comedy" in the movie theatre with my husband, j. and hearing this man for the first time. at first i was admittedly, shell shocked in my seat, really not knowing what to think of this bold, and outspoken comedian. i was quickly engaged because he had such an original personality, character, unlike any other comedian that i've seen, at least. his comedy was very straightforward....a lot of cursing....but undeniably, had me "rollin' in the aisles" with laughter. to this day, j. and i are quoting his jokes, word for word (okay, we "try" to repeat it word for word).
photos by
g. girl
6:02 PM
Labels: entertainment news
Friday, August 8, 2008
new blog look!
check me out!!!! this is the first blog i "designed" myself. i am very proud of myself. although i was up until 430a doing it (started at 1230a) and trying to figure out how to copy/paste code.
photos by
g. girl
10:30 AM
Labels: just for fun, Vendors
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Wedding Day Sample Video
photos by
g. girl
12:03 AM
Labels: slideshows, wedding, wedding promotions, wedding video
Friday, August 1, 2008
7 months old
updated pictures of talani who is 7 months old. it was "good fun" taking pix of lil' talani, who loves to laugh, play the drums, sing with grandma and learn the ukelele with grandpa.
photos by
g. girl
1:00 AM
Labels: album showcase, kid portraits, My First Year Books