he's home from the vet. he got neutered. he seems to be doing okay. considering the fact that he also got micro chipped, toe nails clipped, ears cleaned, and 3 baby teeth pulled!!!! yikes.
Monday, March 31, 2008
popo update
photos by
g. girl
5:12 PM
Labels: life with PO
Sunday, March 30, 2008
what's a "twitter"?
okay, this is for the people that have small pockets of free time on their hands. literally.
photos by
g. girl
1:00 AM
Labels: twitter
introducing my, baby...POPO
here's one of my favorite pix of my cute doggie, popo (pronounced PO-PO). this is when he was 6 months old. because he's a chihuahua, he hasn't grown that much bigger. he's still about 5 lbs. he's 16 months old.
photos by
g. girl
12:39 AM
Labels: life with PO
Saturday, March 29, 2008
On a mission
photos by
g. girl
9:44 PM
Friday, March 28, 2008
photos by
g. girl
4:07 PM
Labels: mobile blog
Saturday, March 22, 2008
the many faces of chloe
photos by
g. girl
3:22 AM
Labels: My First Year Books, newborn portraits
Thursday, March 20, 2008
hey, readers:
i don't know if this is TMI (too much information), but here goes. it is a web log, right? anyway, if it is TMI, then skip this entry.
well, j. and i are TTC (trying to conceive). and we are in the initial stages of....that.
we went to infertility orientation class, and received a lot of info on how to better our chances to be pregnant. it didn't get me as stressed as i thought it would. we actually went to an orientation class before, and i remember being stressed out. it takes about 6-8 weeks to get an appt. w/ a consultant at the hospital. i guess there's a high percentage of people that are having difficulty getting pregnant. so, right now, we're on the whole body improvement thing, and taking our vitamins. we figure, if we have a healthier lifestyle, like eating right, working out, and losing weight, with infertility treatment, and prayer (belief, hope, faith), it will happen for us. i don't feel that stressed, but i have to admit, after the nurse kept on harping on how 35 is the WORST age to try to get pregnant, (which is my age, i might add), was a little discouraging and annoying at the same time.
i guess that's why i love photographing babies, and children. i feel good documenting the growth of these children. one day they will be having children of their own and photographing them.
so keep us in your thoughts and prayers and send us all the good vibes and love...we need it!
photos by
g. girl
3:49 AM
Labels: trying to conceive chronicles
My First Year Book
Click here for an example of a "My First Year Book." I make these for families that order a "My First Year" Portrait Package (see site for details). From maternity portrait, to newborn, to 6 months, through the first year, I document the baby's first photos for my clients. It's busy enough trying to juggle work, baby and life, in general. I like to think of it as doing the parents a big favor by taking on the project of building this baby book. I remember my mom keeping a "My First Year" scrapbook, and I loved looking through it because it had my baby footprints, and a lock of hair from my first year. It also had dates of when I first started laughing, and cooing, and also, my family tree. Yes, I was the first born child (and only girl), so yes, got lots of attention!!! (sorry, lil' bros!).So these books are the result of that inspiration from my past.
This particular book has the "story" of how little Isaia Talani was born. Later, Mom and Dad will add their fave pix throughout the year, and then we'll come back and take a 6 months portrait session and then, a 1 year. The ideas are endless, in terms of personalizing. Parents can involve relatives and grandparents to write a wish for the little one, kind of like well wishes for the new baby. You can also personalize it by adding pix from the day of birth, baptismal pix, and first year birthday bashes. We can add poetry and quotes to make it more personable. It's a great keepsake for the child when they get older, and maybe keep that tradition going for their children. It's a great way to start their chapter in life.
photos by
g. girl
2:09 AM
Labels: My First Year Books, newborn portraits
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Wedding and Portrait Photographer's Convention
This weekend we went to a convention in Las Vegas. It was so inspiring and motivating to hear from Top Gun Photographers and what photography and the business of photography means to them. I was able to see Gary Fong and hear him talk. Although I was too shy to go up to him and say how motivating his last DVD was, Johnny approached him and gushed for me (I know, how embarrassing!). We also got to hear Mike Colón speak (he just did Usher, the R&B singer's wedding!), Joe Buissink (did Christina Aguilera's wedding), and Denis Reggie (shot 21 Kennedy weddings).
photos by
g. girl
2:57 PM
Labels: convention, inspiration, photojournalism
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
saturday with talani
introducing..... isaia talani nalu camacho....he is approximately 3 months. spending saturday with talani really made me think...hmmm, maybe i can do this...
photos by
g. girl
12:35 AM
Labels: newborn portraits
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
if you're bored, take this quiz!
#1E90FF |
Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect. Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative. Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation. |
photos by
g. girl
10:20 PM
Labels: things to do when you're bored
Sunday, March 2, 2008
vegas, baby
ok...stateline....baby (but that doesn't sound as sexy...)
photos by
g. girl
9:13 PM
Labels: fundraisers